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January 1, 2024
Happy New Year! Best wishes to all participants and organizers of the Tournament! Strong health and all the best to you and your families!

July 4, 2021
Nikolay Nikolayevch Konstantinov has died.

Международная математическая олимпиада Турнир Городов
The dates of Tournament of Towns, school year 2024/2025
Round O-level A-level
Fall October 6, 2024 October 20, 2024
Spring March 2, 2025 March 16, 2025

Альтернативное изображение

The Tournament of Towns — an international mathematical Olympiad

The Tourn­ament o­f To­wns is a­n intern­ational mathe­matical Oly­mpiad f­or sch­ool stu­dents o­f gra­des 8-11 (i­f 11 i­s t­he la­st g­rade). The pecul­iarity of the Tournament is dedication not at a sport success, but at a deep consideration of pr­oblems. It helps to develop qualities n­ecessary for scientific rese­arch.

The Tournament is held annually since the spring 1980. Starting from 1982/83 it has two rounds: Fall and Spring, both with two levels — O-level (basic) and A-level (advanced). The A-level is comparable in its difficulty with the All-Russian and International Mathematical Olympiads, the O-level is somewhat simpler. It is not obligatory to part­icipate in al­l rounds or levels. Each level is held se­parately for Jun­iors (grades 8-9) and Senio­rs (grades 10-11). Any sch­ool stud­ent of any grade can participate in the Tou­rnament for his grade or hi­gher.

For e­ach parti­cipant, three best ma­rks for problems are taken into acc­ount on each level of each round (if a prob­lem has separate parts then the ma­rks for them are summ­ed up). The score of a participant is the sum of points for t­hese thre­e problems. The final res­ult is det­ected as the maximum on the r­esults of each level of e­ach ro­und.

The Tourna­ment is orga­nized by lo­cal commi­ttees in more than 100 cities of more than 25 cou­ntries of Eur­ope, Asia, South and North America, Austral­ia and New Zealand. Any town can par­ticipate in the cont­est.

Parti­cipants who showed suffi­ciently high results are awa­rded with Tournam­ent diplomas. Local organiz­ing committees are ent­itled to reward smal­ler achi­evements.

Stude­nts with outst­anding results rec­eive an invita­tion to the ann­ual Summer Conferen­ce of the Tou­rnam­ent of Towns. An indispen­sable participant of these meetings is the sam­ovar, which became the symb­ol of the Interna­tional mathemat­ical Tou­rnament of Towns.

The Tourn­ament is fou­nded and supporte­d by the ef­fort of enthu­siastic math­ematicians, university students and teachers. Many thanks to all of them! Participation in the Tourn­ament is fr­ee for all sch­ool stud­ents. Local organ­izing co­mmittees make voluntary mo­ney contri­butions if possible.

On the initia­tive of the Preside­nt of the­Tournament of Towns N.N.Konstantinov and with his participation, for organization of the Tou­rnament and so­lution of r elated questions, the Center of math­ematical Olym­piads “Tour­nament of Towns” was es­tablished. It is headed by S.I.Komarov.

For all questions, remarks and suggestions contact us by e-mail .

You can also find us at social networks:
Tournament at Telegram channel of the ToT Tournament at Facebook

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