How to hold the Tournament of Towns in your city?

Information about holding the International mathematical Tournament of Towns

If you (a person or an educational institution) want to hold the Tournament in your city (community, school, etc), please contact in advance the Central Organizing Committee in Moscow. Upon its positive decision (i.e. if nobody in your city was engaged in this activity before and if the Central Organizing Committee makes sure that you are able to hold the event on a sufficiently high level; your official status, place of residence and other similar circumstances are not important), you will receive all the necessary information.

Right before the round of the Tournament you will receive the conditions of problems (in Russian or English), and later on – the solutions and checking criteria. You will need to know the rules for holding the Tournament and requirements for design of the solutions (see below).

You can examine participants’ works yourself or send them to Moscow for examination. But it is advisable to examine the works by forces of a local committee, in order to be able to tell preliminary results to participants. Then the best works should be sent to Moscow (in the number determined by the rules of the Tournament). After the centralized examination the Central Organizing Committee in Moscow sends diplomas for winners. A local organizing committee also can give awards from its own name to school students who showed smaller but rather successful results.

  • Contact information of the Central Organizing Committee of the Tournament:

    See   the Tournament registration form and  covering letter of the autumn round 2015 as an example below.

    REGISTRATION FORM of the town-participant of the Tournament of Towns   (autumn 2015) 
    Having been filled, it is sent together with the papers and the report or instead the report
     1. Town (city) ________________________________________________
     2. Number of residents in your city:___________________________
     3. Name of the President of the local organizing committee:
     4. Name of the President of the local jury:
     5. Address:____________________________________________________
     6. Phone and Fax:______________________________________________
     7. Your e-mail-address: _______________________________________
     8. Who was invited to the T of T? (Check items which apply)
        a) all students by advertisement [ ],
        b) only winners of other competitions [  ]
        c) only students of specialized mathematical schools [  ],
        d) other (explain) [  ] ___________________________________
     9. Exact date(s) of the sitting(s) 
        (indicate both if both versions (O-level and A-level) took place): 
    10. Number of participants:
        in the standard version (O-level):              ____________
        in the advanced version (A-level):              ____________
        number of authors of submitted papers: 
        (count the participants in both versions once each)
    11. The last grade in your schools:                 ____________
    12. Payment for the Tournament:    
    13. Additional Remarks:_________________________________________


    0. It is necessary to read these recommendations up to the very end!

    1. The dates of the Tournament

    The Fall round of the 37th Tournament of Towns is held on the following dates:

    — O-level on October 11, 2015,

    — A-level on October 25, 2015.

    Please observe that it is absolutely forbidden to hold the Tournament before the indicated dates because this implies disclosing of the problems.

    If you have no possibility to hold the Tournament on the indicated dates then you may postpone it for a few days, but only in preliminary agreement with the Central Organizing Committee and if you are sure that the participants won’t receive the problems from their friends in other cities, Internet or other sources.

    2. Who may participate

    Participation in the Tournament is free of charge for the students. The participation is allowed for all interested high-school students (gymnasiums, lyceums etc.). The problems are intended for students of grades 8 – 11 (if 11 is the last grade), and there are two distinct versions for Juniors (grades 8-9) and Seniors (grades 10-11).

    If students of grade 7 and younger take part in the Tournament then they solve the version for Juniors.

    However students of grades 9 and younger are allowed to solve the version for Seniors. Their score is counted as for grade 10.

    If the number of grades in an educational institution differs from 11 then a student solves the problems intended for the school grade with the corresponding curriculum.

    The participants have 5 hours for solving and exposition of the problems of each level. (If this is not suitable in your case for any reason then please apply to the Central Organizing Committee before the Tournament.) Of course a participant may hand in his/her paper before the end.

    If there are any questions regarding the conditions of the problems then please apply to the Central Jury using the phone hot line.

    3. Violations

    We ask you to provide accurate fulfillment of the rules.

    If some rules are violated (the participants had more time than was prescribed, some problems were solved by a group etc.) then the Central Jury does not accept the results of the Tournament.

    If a participant has violated the rules then the local organizers may disqualify him but only if the violation is surely ascertained. If it is only suspected then the mark must not be decreased (so the local organizers use the presumption of innocence). But works with these suspicions may not be sent for examination to the Central Jury in Moscow (so here the opposite principle is applied, the presumption of guilt).

    4. The date for sending criteria and solutions

    The Central Jury sends the solutions of the problems and the criteria for examination of papers of both levels at last on the 25th of November.

    5. Examination of papers by the local jury

    a) The local jury may check the papers of its city and send the best papers to Moscow for examination by the Central Jury.

    We ask the local jury to give marks in the same form as the Central Jury, namely: +! + +. ± +/2 ∓ -. - 0. The number of marks in a paper must be equal to the number of PARTS of the problems because each part is evaluated separately.

    The table of marks has to be followed by a clear note of the examiner. The list of participants must also contain complete data of the examiner (all names and position).

    It is not needed to indicate the number of points. However any requests regarding the number of points corresponding to a mark will be considered.

    b) Instead of local examination, the local jury also may send all papers for examination to Moscow taking in account the restrictions below.

    6. Sending the papers to Moscow

    6.1. The number of papers sent to Moscow

    The number of papers that can be sent for examination by the Central Jury is restricted by 4•T where T is the maximum of 5 and the population of the city divided by 100000: T = max (5, N/100000).

    This number may be exceeded by preliminary agreement with the Central Jury. This is natural and desirable if the expected number of high results exceeds the indicated restriction or is at least close to it.

    6.2. The dates for sending papers to Moscow

    The papers of students of all grades sent to Moscow must arrive by the 10th of December at latest. If the papers arrive later then the examination encounters significant difficulties because most of examiners are higher-school students and they have the half-year session. This can lead to a situation when the high result of a participant becomes known too late and the participant already cannot be invited to any further math action.

    6.3. Ways for transfer the papers

    We recommend to scan the papers and send them by email. This will be treated in more detail in the instruction on design that will be sent a little later.

    Also it is allowed to send hardcopies by post to the following address:

    125009, Russia, Moscow, ул. Большая Дмитровка, дом 5/6, строение 7, школа № 179, Турнир городов, Дориченко С.А. (ul. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 5/6, building 7, school no. 179, Tournament of Towns, Dorichenko S.A.)

    6.4. Other materials for sending

    THE REGISTRATION LIST (in an example above);

    THE LIST of participants including their full names (as to be mentioned in the diploma), gender, grade and the name and/or the number of the school.

    Please indicate the participation of the students in math circles.

    If the conditions of the problems sent by the Central Jury have been translated to another language then you need to send us this translation.

    For papers written not in Russian, English, German, French, Spanish or Esperanto, please attach the translation to one of these languages. This may be cancelled in preliminary agreement with the Central Jury.

    7. Calculation of the score

    For each participant, the three best marks for problems are taken in account (if a problem has separate parts then the marks for them are summed up). The score of a participant is the sum of points for these three problems.

    For a student of grade 6 (in a school with 11 grades), the score is multiplied by 2; for grade 7, by 3/2; for grade 8, by 4/3; for grade 10, by 5/4. If a student took part in both O-level and A-level contests then his final result in the fall or spring round is defined as the maximum of two results in both levels. The final result at the Tournament is defined as the maximum of the results in the fall and spring rounds.

    8. Rewarding of the winners

    After the Tournament, the local organizing committee conducts analysis of the problems and rewards the winners. The list of the winners in the version of the Central Organizing Committee is sent to the local organizers during the current school year. The winners are awarded by diplomas of the Central Organizing Committee (this does not prevent them or other participants from rewarding by the local organizing committee) and if possible by books about mathematics and the natural sciences.

    9. Rating of towns

    A town or city is evaluated by the mean score T of the best participants (for the value of T, see 6.1). If the population of the town is less than 500 thousands then this score is multiplied by the coefficient K=1+(500–N)/800, where N thousands is the population of the town.

    10. Confidentiality

    Please note that the conditions of the problems are confidential up to the date of the Tournament. In some cities the Tournament may be postponed, thus we ask not to publish the problems until they have been published on the official site.

    11. Contacting with the Central Organizing Committee and the Central Jury

    In all your letters regarding organization issues, please indicate your town in the subject of the letter.

    The Central Organizing Committee:

    The Central Jury

    The Central Organizing Committee


    1. Examination of the papers by the local jury

    At the local examination (which is desirable!), please mark all the mistakes and defects checked in a paper (in another colour than the paper is written).

    2. Ways to transfer the papers to Moscow

    The papers may be sent to Moscow by two ways:

    a) by email to (ATTENTION!) (if a paper is sent to any other address then it can be lost and not examined),

    b) by ordinary post.

    Uploading to a server is temporarily stopped (we will inform you if it will be restarted).



    a) The papers must be sent either in pdf or in a zip file (not rar) containing jpeg, tif or png files. Thus a paper of a participant is either a pdf or a zip file. Please scan the title page of the paper!

    b) The name of a pdf/zip file must contain the name of the city, the student's full name, the level (O or A) and grade: for instance, City_Surname_Given name_grade.pdf.

    Before sending, please make it sure that the files obtained are READABLE!

    4. Other materials for sending

    Together with the papers, please send (by email or ordinary post) THE REGISTRATION LIST and THE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS (this is necessary for the registration of papers and input of the results).

    5. Ordinary post sending

    Please transfer the hardcopies only by ordinary post, not by any other means.


    125009, Russia, Moscow, ул. Большая Дмитровка, дом 5/6, строение 7, школа № 179, Турнир городов, Дориченко С.А. (Bolshaya Dmitrovka street, 5/6, building 7, school no. 179, Tournament of Towns, Dorichenko S.A.)


    a) The papers of O-level and A-level written by the same participant must be contained in separate copybooks (files).

    b) On the title page, please keep sufficient free space for our table of marks.

    c) The first page must NECESSARILY contain:

    — Number of the Tournament (37);

    — Round and version: Fall - Spring, O-level – A-level, Juniors – Seniors;

    — Date of the Tournament;

    — Grade;

    — School;

    — Town (city);

    — Country;

    — Full name of the participant (as to be written in the diploma).

    d)The upper right corner of the first page of each paper must contain some free space for notes made by the Central Jury when registering the papers sent to Moscow.

    e) The title page must contain NOTHING except (the marks of the local jury and) the information listed in the previous items.

    f) If the title page is made of a material not suitable for writing then the above items apply to the next page of the paper.

    g )If the paper is written not in a copy-book but on separate sheets and is sent as a hardcopy then all the lists must be clamped by a stapler.

    The Central Organizing Committee